About The Database
What it is
The cEDH Decklist Database (DDB) is a showcase of different decks from cEDH. It is a collection of decks that the DDB Managers and Reviewers believe underscore just some of a variety of options available to players within the world of cEDH.
What it is not
The DDB is not a tier list, nor a collection of tournament decks, and should not be considered in any way a list of the “best” decks in cEDH nor an exhaustive list of decks in cEDH.
Our Goal
The goal of the DDB is to highlight the variety of different decks that exist within that space to help new players acclimate to cEDH concepts and possibilities while also helping established players find inspiration for brewing and playing.
Who we are
The DDB is maintained by a team of managers and reviewers.
The Reviewers
The review team provides initial feedback on all the lists submitted to the DDB, in addition to providing ongoing feedback about the main DDB page, Brewer’s Corner lists, and the website itself. The review team currently consists of the following members:
- Alchmyst
- Avaloon
- Blazingscout
- bones
- ChoirBoy2020
- DefinitelyNotKevin
- DJYavimaya
- doomdg
- Eisenherz
- emsmax
- Forge10
- iraruel
- litano
- Mormonator
- OpalEave
- Raps
- RiledUpWhiteKid
- Ring13
- ruination
- smartaleck
- Spleenface
- Ulavala
The Managers
The management team oversees the review team’s work and uses their feedback to make final decisions regarding the DDB, in addition to handling the non-technical work on the DDB and discord. The current management team consists of:
- Cinestra
- Natux
- Sickrobot
- Squirrelmob
Additionally, the DDB would not function without the technical work of our volunteer web director, Average Dragon.