Frequently Asked Questions
What cards are considered staples?
Would data on deck performance increase my chances of being accepted?
Will I be contacted if my list is (not) accepted?
Will I be contacted if there are questions about my list?
Can I personally submit feedback for specific lists?
Can I view the content of Brewer’s Corner feedback forms?
Are reviewers and managers favoured to have their decks accepted?
Can I submit someone else’s deck?
Why do newly submitted decks sometimes go directly into the main section rather than the Brewer’s Corner?
How do I make sure my list isn’t considered inactive?
How many cards should a deck differ before it’s considered as an alternative?
Why are lists without primers accepted?
What does the process for reviewing decks look like?
Do reviewers and managers always read every primer?
Why can I not play my DDB deck in certain competitive environments?
What if I have another question related to the database?
What if I have a question about cEDH in general?